Derudover har vi flettet en fugl færdig og en anden er undervejs, disse og måske flere skal placeres på og omkring reden.
Reden er en del af Landsskuenaturen og dermed Landsskuesporet på Landsskuepladsen i Herning. Det helt store rykind har vi d. 3. - d. 5. juli, men inden da er der Grøn Inspirationsdag d. 22. maj for hele kommunens institutioner og dagplejer og Sporenes dag søndag d. 15 juni, hvor der vil være masser af sjove naturaktiviteter i Landsskuenaturen.
Ved alle lejligheder regner jeg med at der kommer "unger" i reden.
For the last 2 days, my daughter Marie and I have been busy at the place in Herning where the anual Agricultural Show take place. The show is not until july, but I take care of the green environment, the gardens and the different willowbeds, and usually make somthing new in willow every year.
Marie and I have made a huge birds nest, from lots of willow. It was almost finished today, we only need to weave a bit more on the inside and put two sacks of crowberry roots at the botton. ( the roots does not get sticky when wet, dries really fast, and gives comfort)
We have finished one oversize bird and another is started. These will be arranged on the side and around the nest, maybe one flying....
The nest will hopefully be visited by lots of kids, at different upcoming events.