Det er efterhånden mange år jeg er kommet hos Lene som driver Lakeshore Willows, og der sker en stor udvikling med hendes forretning.
De første gange jeg var her underviste jeg i laden, eller udenfor under en fantastisk smuk hængepil. Dette fungerede fint blandt andet fordi vejret var så godt.
Lene fik dog egen værkstedsbygning for et par år siden, og der fungerer rigtig godt, alt er samlet et sted, og tingene er indrettet til formålet.
Det har endnu engang været hyggelige dage i hendes værksted, med kursister fra nær og fjern. Både Canada og USA. Nogle nye kursister, men også en del gamle kendinge.
Jeg underviste i rammeværkskurve og kurve med katalansk bund, med et par afvigere.
Dette bliver gentaget i Stowe, hvor det dog bliver mere ensartet da alle ringene er medbragt hjemmefra, men mere om det senere.
Tak for dejlige dage til Lene.
I have just had 4 days of workshops in Wainfleet, Canada, at Lene Rasmussen's place who run Lakeshore Willows.
I have been coming this place for the last 6 years, and a lot of changes have happened at Lene's place during this period.
In the beginning I was teaching in the barn, or under a beautiful old weeping willow tree. It was great because the weather was good. Now Lene has got her own studio, and it works really well, in all kinds of weather.
We have had great days in the workshop, lots of enthusiastic and hard working ladies from nearby and far away, Canada and The States. Some new students, but also a lot of well known people.
I taught frame baskets and Catalan based baskets.
Right now I am on my way to Stowe, Vermont where I am teaching the same baskets again, but there I bring all the hoops which will make a difference. Not so many options.
I have just had 4 days of workshops in Wainfleet, Canada, at Lene Rasmussen's place who run Lakeshore Willows.
I have been coming this place for the last 6 years, and a lot of changes have happened at Lene's place during this period.
In the beginning I was teaching in the barn, or under a beautiful old weeping willow tree. It was great because the weather was good. Now Lene has got her own studio, and it works really well, in all kinds of weather.
We have had great days in the workshop, lots of enthusiastic and hard working ladies from nearby and far away, Canada and The States. Some new students, but also a lot of well known people.
I taught frame baskets and Catalan based baskets.
Right now I am on my way to Stowe, Vermont where I am teaching the same baskets again, but there I bring all the hoops which will make a difference. Not so many options.