Solskinskurve / Sunshine Baskets
Det er jo høsttid og jeg er ved at være igennem årets høstarbejde, som heldigvis foregår ved hjælp af en maskine jeg købte for 10 år siden eller mere...
Der er så mange skønne farver på pilen ved denne årstid og de ændrer sig meget når de tørrer, friskheden i de fleste farver forsvinder. Men mange sorter bliver også flotte efter tørring og opblødning. Tørringen foregår oftest i et ret mørkt maskinhus, men specielt en sort, Vestbirk Sø, tørrer jeg i mit drivhus, hvorved jeg opnår de skønneste brændte farver, fra orange - lyserød til rød. Det er næsten som om at farverne fra da pilen var frisk kommer tilbage.
Den mest intense farve fås, hvis der har været mange soltimer.
Men selvom eller måske særligt fordi at de i bundtet bliver forskellige farver, giver det et flot spil i kurvene efterfølgende.
It is time for harvesting the willow fields, and I am almost finished for this year, thanks to my harvest machine, which I bought 10 years ago...
The willow has all kinds of lovely bright colours right now, but does change quite a lot when it dries. I usually dry my willow inside were it is dark, but one species I dry in my greenhouse, where it turns to all kinds of orange and pink colours, instead of the rather greyish green dusty colour, which is normal.
The most beautiful colours appear when the sun has been out a lot, but the lovely thing is that the willow does not come in just one colour, but always vary in different shades. It is as if the colours from when it was freshly cut reappear.
It is time for harvesting the willow fields, and I am almost finished for this year, thanks to my harvest machine, which I bought 10 years ago...
The willow has all kinds of lovely bright colours right now, but does change quite a lot when it dries. I usually dry my willow inside were it is dark, but one species I dry in my greenhouse, where it turns to all kinds of orange and pink colours, instead of the rather greyish green dusty colour, which is normal.
The most beautiful colours appear when the sun has been out a lot, but the lovely thing is that the willow does not come in just one colour, but always vary in different shades. It is as if the colours from when it was freshly cut reappear.
Billedet viser fra venstre den friskhøstede. den normalt mørkt tørrede og den solskinstørrede.
The picture shows from the left side freshly cut willow, normal dark dried and the willow dried in the sun in my greenhouse.
The picture shows from the left side freshly cut willow, normal dark dried and the willow dried in the sun in my greenhouse.
Billederne nedenfor viser flere "solskinskurve". Tasken er flettet med pil hvor kun nogle få pil har taget farve, men dog blevet helt mørkerød visse steder, den røde læderrem understreger dette.
The pictures below shows more "Sunshine Baskets". The Purse is woven with willow where only some of it has turned colour, but even a dark read, which the red leather strap highlights.
The pictures below shows more "Sunshine Baskets". The Purse is woven with willow where only some of it has turned colour, but even a dark read, which the red leather strap highlights.